Current use is automotive repair and sales. As per owner, property is approved for low-income housing up to 84 units. Current zoning is BU13 (Business Use). Square feet provided includes lot next door (to south). Sale includes two folio's. Excellent opportunity for owner-developer. Property may be in Transit Development Corridor.
- Age: Over 50 Years Old
- Amenities: Dock
- Architecture Style: Other
- Exterior Type: Block
- Floor Covering: Laminate
- Legal Description: 9 52 41 .48 AC MIAMI GDNS PB 2-96 E140FT OF W155FT OF S150FT OF N210FT OF TR 113 LOT SIZE 21000 SQ FT OR 15305-2390 1191 1 F/A/U 30-2109-001
- MLSID: A11646974